Daily Devotionals (videos)

Section Title

Evening, May 4 – “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible.” 1 Peter 1:23

Peter most earnestly exhorted the scattered saints to love each other “with a pure heart fervently” and he wisely fetched his argument, not from the law, from nature, or from philosophy...

May 4 ~ Victory in Reverses

“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me” (Micah 7:8). This may express the feelings of a man or woman...

Morning, May 4 – “Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods.” Jeremiah 16:20

One great besetting sin of ancient Israel was idolatry, and the spiritual Israel are vexed with a tendency to the same folly. Remphan’s star shines no longer, and the women weep no more for...