Daily Devotionals (videos)

Section Title

Evening, May 30 – “That henceforth we should not serve sin.” Romans 6:6

Christian, what hast thou to do with sin? Hath it not cost thee enough already? Burnt child, wilt thou play with the fire? What! when thou hast already been between the jaws of the lion, wilt thou...

May 30 ~ Holy Foresight

“And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17 Only by coming after Jesus can we obtain our heart’s desire and be really useful...

Morning, May 30 – “Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines.” Song of Solomon 2:15

A little thorn may cause much suffering. A little cloud may hide the sun. Little foxes spoil the vines; and little sins do mischief to the tender heart. These little sins burrow in the soul, and make...