May 28, 2024

Evening, May 28 – “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.” Lamentations 3:21

Memory is frequently the bond slave of despondency. Dispairing minds call to remembrance every dark foreboding in the past, and dilate upon every gloomy feature in the present; thus memory, clothed in sackcloth, presents to the mind a cup of mingled gall and wormwood. There is, however, no necessity for this. Wisdom can readily transform …

Evening, May 28 – “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.” Lamentations 3:21 Read More »

Morning, May 28 – “Whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Romans 8:30

Here is a precious truth for thee, believer. Thou mayest be poor, or in suffering, or unknown, but for thine encouragement take a review of thy “calling” and the consequences that flow from it, and especially that blessed result here spoken of. As surely as thou art God’s child today, so surely shall all thy …

Morning, May 28 – “Whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Romans 8:30 Read More »